Unit 4 Lab Project
In this lab I will show some of the species that I have come across in my life. I will present the common name they are referred to and the scientific name. Along with the names I will give the type of interaction with the different species and if they are domesticated.
Scientific name (Common name)/Domesticated?How?
Crotalus atrox (diamond back rattle snake)/no
The type of interaction would have to be mutualistic since we benefit from them eating unwanted pests and they benefit from us since our waste produce attract their prey.
Geococcyx californianus (roadrunner)/no
The interaction would be commensal since we benefit since they eat unwanted pests but they dont really benefit from us.
Callipepla gambelii (quail)/yes,food
Quail are domesticated since some people hunt and eat them. The interaction would also be parasitic since we benefit from them by what they eat and as food but they are harmed when people eat hunt them.
Cyprinus carpio( Koi fish)/yes,pets,food
Interaction would have also be predator/prey since both can benefit from each other but also one is harmed in other situations. As pets they koi benefit and as food we benefit.

Demodex folliculorum (Eyelash bugs)/no
The interaction is mutualistic both benefit they have a place to live and eat and we benefit since they protect us from harmful bacteria and fungi.
Phodopus Sungorus (dwarf russian hamster) /yes,pets
The interaction is symbiotic we provide them with food and home and they provide us with a pet to care about.

Felis silvestris (Cat)/yes,pet
This relationship would also be symbiotic like hamsters, they become apart of our lives and we give them food and a home.
Herbaceous (Bananas)/yes,food
Relationship would have to be commensal since we benefit from the nutrients they provide us but they dont benefit from us but are not harmed either.

Pinnipeds (Seals),sometimes
I would have to say seals are not really domesticated since they dont become pets but in a way when kept in zoo's they are unable to return to the wild and become some what domesticated. The relationship would have to be mutualistic since we benefit from them in zoo's by being abe to witness a wild animal and when they are in zoo's they are taken care of provided for.

Cimex lectularius (bed bugs)/no
Interaction is parasitic since they benefit from bitting us since they live off of blood and we are harmed by the bitting.
Tabanus atratus(black horse fly)/no
Relationship is commesal since we dont really benefit from them but they benefit from our trash and food.
Atta sexdens (ant)/yes,pets
The interaction type is symbiotic since we benefit from each other they help recycle organic material in the soil for our lawns and they benefit from our food and waste.
Sylvilagus audubonii (rabbit)/yes,pets,food,livestock
The relationship is predator/prey since people do hunt and eat rabbits but also keep them as pets and apart of the family.
Canis lupus familiaris (dog)/yes,pet
Interaction type would be symbiotic since we provide them with food,love and a home while they provide us with happiness and something to care for.

Equus caballus (horse)/yes,pets,livestock
The interaction is the same as dogs, symbiotic, since we care for them.
Nemobiinae (ground crickets)/no
Interaction would be commensal since they benefit from us I suppose, like the food we drop on the floor.
Chiroptera (bats)/no
The interaction type would symbiotic since they eat insects that we dont want in our house.

Hemiptera Gerridae (Water Strider)/no
The interaction type might also be symbiotic since they too eat insects like bats.

The relationship would be perdator/prey since we care for them giving them food and shelter while they help us as food and as apart of the family
Holbrookia maculata (Lizard)/yes,pet
The interaction type would be symbiotic since we benefit from them as pets and since the eat bugs and they benefit from us when they are our pets.
Class Chilopoda(centipedes)/no
The interaction type is preditor/prey since they can harm us and we harm them.
Avicularia (Tranchula)/yes,pet
The interaction type would be mutualistic since as pets both owner and spider benefit each other. They also eat unwanted insects.

Acronicta (moth)/yes,pets
As pets they are symbiotic but otherwise the are parasitic when they eat holes in clothing.
Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)/yes,food
The interaction would becommensal since we benefit from the nutrience and they are not harmed by us.
Salix Matsudana 'Navajo" (Globe willow)/yes
The interaction is symbiotic since we benefit from there shade and oxygen and they benefit from the carbon dioxide we produce.

Triticum (Wheat)/yes,food
The interaction is commensal since we bennefit by making food product and the nutrience we gain and its not harmed in the process
Ananas comosus (Pineapple)/yes,food
This too is commensal for the same reason as wheat we bennefit from the nutrience.
Rosa (rose)/yes
This too is commensal since we bennefit from the look and smell.

Pediculus Humanus Capitis (Lice)/no
The interaction is parasitic since it bennefits from eating and living in our hair while we are harmed because it can cause hair loss and damage.
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